Wag the Dog is a 1997 black comedy film produced and directed by Barry Levinson. **Black comedy or dark comedy is a comic style that makes light of subjects that are generally considered serious or taboo. Black comedy corresponds to the earlier concept of gallows humor. (wiki) Wag The Dog is a political drama which has successfully analyzed and criticized the way how media can divert public attention. The story begins with a sexual misconduct of the president, who is up for reelection in eleven days. White House brings in Conrad Brean (Robert DeNiro) , who is a notorious political “spin doctor”, to cover up this scandal by making up a story. Anne Heche playing the role of a white house staff (Winifred Ames) asks for Brean’s help just a day before the story is to be published in the major news media. Brean’s solution is to create an artificial war to divert public attention. So Ames and Brean fly to Hollywood and make a deal with a famous film producer S...